The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania mandates children entering school have the following immunizations before starting school:
DPT, DT, or Dtap: 3 doses spaced at least one month apart, plus a 4th dose after the 4th birthday.
Polio: IPV: 3 doses after 6 weeks of age spaced 4 weeks between doses, plus a 4th dose after the 4th birthday.
MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella): 2 doses after twelve months of age spaced at least 4 weeks apart.
Varicella: 2 doses after twelve months of age¸ spaced 3 months apart.
Hepatitis B: 4 weeks between doses 1 and 2, third dose after 24 weeks of age.
TB: Tuberculosis risk survey to be completed and kept on file in the nurse's office.
Tdap: 1 dose required for entry into 7th grade
Meningococcal conjugate: 1 dose required for entry into 7th grade
Please arrange to have your child receive any immunizations needed. Proof of immunizations should be sent to the nurse’s office where they will be kept on file.
If your child has a medical exemption, proof of such must be on file in the Health Office. Any child with an exemption or incomplete immunization series will be excluded from school in the event of an outbreak of disease, as mandated by the Chester County Health Department.
*The Health Office will contact you if immunizations are not up to date, to give you more information on state-mandated regulations.