Room 100 Newsletter
Week of December 13, 2015
Thank you to all of you for attending the Pre K and K Christmas Show last week! The children were absolutely amazing! They were really excited and their spirit shined!
I couldn’t be prouder of them!
Our focus this week continues on the Advent season and many other aspects of this time of year ...Santa, reindeer, candy canes, stockings, decorating trees etc.
It’s magical!
We welcome the third week of the Advent season. We will light the third candle on our Advent Wreath this week, the pink candle. We will continue to discuss the first Christmas.
We will learn about St. Lucy. We did not get to this lesson last week
due to all of our practices for the Christmas Show!
Daily Lessons
Letter- J j
Number- 9 nine
Color- green
Shape- triangle
Nursery Rhyme- Little Jack Horner
Yoga- Jack in the Box
Letter J Book
Number 9 Book and Song
The Stable Where Jesus Was Born by Rhonda Greene
Night Tree By Eve Bunting
J is for Jesus: The Story Of the Candy Cane by Crystal Bowman
Monday- Candy Cane: make a candy cane ornament using a pipe cleaner and red and white beads. We will make a simple pattern of red and white making this ornament.
Journal: draw a candy cane and write or trace the word candy cane
Tuesday- Christmas Stocking: use scissors to cut out a stocking shape, add cotton trim and glitter
Wednesday- NO music Class today!
Gym Class! Wear Sneakers!
Thursday- Make gingerbread cookies!
Friday- Christmas Celebration in Room 100 from 10am-11:30am
All full day students need to return the green letter/form that was sent home letting me know whether or not your child will stay on Friday following the Christmas Celebration for the second half of the day or if you will be taking your child home. I have only received a few replies! It Is due Monday, December 14.
Please return library books on Thursday, December 17. Due to our celebration on Friday, we will not attend library class but Mrs. Wolf would like all books returned!
Teddy Bear Drive sponsored by St. Max Student Council!
New bears only!
Bears are being donated to duPont Hospital for Children, now through December 22!