Room 100 Newsletter
Week of February 7, 2016
This week our focus will be on Valentine’s Day and we will begin
a unit on the Lenten season of the Church. We will begin to discuss the Stations of the Cross. This is one of my favorite units to teach! The children get so engrossed learning about how Jesus died for us. Please be assured that it will be done at an age appropriate level for them.
Happy Birthday, Evan Samuel! February 11
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Jaskot! February 11
Please join us on Friday, February 12 for our Valentine’s Day Celebration in
Room 100 from 10am-11:30am! The kids can wear the colors red, purple, or pink if they would like in the spirit of this day of love!
This week we will begin to learn about the liturgical season of Lent.
It begins on Ash Wednesday! We will receive ashes!
We will also learn about Saint Valentine.
Daily Lessons
Letter- V v
Number- 14
Color- Pink/purple
Shape- heart
Nursery Rhyme- Jack Be Nimble
Letter V Book
The Story of Valentine’s Day by Nancy Skarmeas
10 Valentine Friends by Janet Schulman
Today Is Valentine’s Day by P.K. Hallinan
Big Shark’s Valentine Surprise by Steve Metzger
The Big Super Heroes will use tissue paper and create a heart decoration.
The Little Super Heroes will use dip dots to create a heart decoration.
All children will make a special Valentine for their parents!
Wednesday, February 10- Ash Wednesday!
NO Music or Gym classes due to Ash Wednesday prayer service!
ALL Valentine’s Day Cards are due!
Friday, February 12- Valentine’s Day Celebration! Room 100 from 10am-11:30am
*If you have not yet sent in your shoebox, please send it in ASAP! This is for the 5 day program students only!
Looking Ahead!
Monday, February 15- NO School! Presidents Day!
Tuesday, February 16- NO School for students! Faculty Meeting!
Wednesday, February 17- Curriculum Night! 6:30-8:30pm